Personal Finance is As Easy As 1 2 3

We are drowning in information and choices these days, often leading to becoming overwhelmed. With your personal finance there is a guru every direction you turn telling you to consider this or buy that, when really money is as easy as 1, 2, 3. There is no need to over complicate managing your financial success and these three steps to success with your money matters will keep you on the path to success.Isn’t often the case that we find ourselves so focused on the details and options that we forget the absolute basics of personal finance. Every pundit has a favorite investment plan, to buy gold, or mutual funds, or maybe to start a business. The importance of not losing focus on the basics of finance though, with a proper focus on the following three steps of financial management will not only keep yourself on track, but put yourself on the path to financial increase.The first step, or focus for financial success that I recommend is to pay attention to your money. Simply this means, know each month how much money you have coming in, and how much money you have going out. How much are you making with pay checks, second jobs, annuities, settlements, etc. Keep detailed track of exactly how much money you bring in each month from all sources, and call this your income. Next, keep detailed track of how much you spend each month in bills, payments, settlements, expenditures, food costs, etc., and call this your expenses. Each month account for your money, and this focus will keep you always aware of your personal financial status.The second family finance focus is on reducing your expenses. Treat your money as a business, you are in the business of you, and like a good businessman you must always keep an eye on reducing costs and becoming more efficient. Perhaps after assessing your cash budget you see that you are spending too much in credit card interest, seek to reduce it. This is a constant process and this constant focus will help you streamline your finances and free up additional monies.The third focus should be on increasing your income. Maintain a constant focus on your finances and your means of bringing in income, and keep your eyes always open for opportunities to increase the amount of money you bring in. Sounds simple, as we all want this right? You would be surprised how often the promotion across the avenue is overlooked, or the promotion within your own company is not seized. Consider looking outside your job, find ways to help and service while creating additional money doing what you love. There are always opportunities, create the focus to always be watching for these moments, and seize them.Maintaining the focus of your personal finance on these three simple common sense pillars will yield surprising results. Don’t overcomplicate your finances and you will not cloud the opportunities that abound around you. With daily focus on these simple financial secrets you will be well on your way to creating the abundance in your life that we all want.

Alternative Health Care, Fad or Here to Stay?

Alternative health care is a term that hit the media several years ago. It was originally used to describe treatments, procedures or techniques that were not taught as part of the degree curriculum of medical schools. Some of these include chiropractic care, nutrition, naturopathy, acupuncture or homeopathy.Alternative health has been making huge gains in public awareness and understanding. In the 1970s the term was used interchangeably with unscientific, unproven, or unsafe techniques. Fortunately that is no longer the case.These therapies have gained huge advances in acceptance and are included in many health insurance plans today. Many fields are now regulated by state or national licensing agencies. In 2012, it is expected that 7 out of 10 people will consult with the internet about their health concerns before choosing whether to seek professional care. They will also research to diagnose their health conditions before seeking care.Informed health care consumers make choices and vote with their wallets. In 2007, the National Institute of Health conducted a large scale survey. They asked about spending for Complimentary and Alternative medicine among Americans. The result: 38 percent of respondents said they used complimentary or alternative care that year. The NIH reported that 83 million adults spent $33.9 billion of their own money on these therapies. That translates to over 10% of non-covered health care.The popularity of complimentary and alternative care is due in part to increased acceptance of these therapies in medical schools and medical practices. Advances in research in the some fields like clinical nutrition, exercise physiology and chiropractic care have helped make this change. A general awareness of self-care through exercise and nutrition has also helped drive this change.Chiropractic offices are among the most popular access points to alternative therapies. These offices provide doctors trained and licensed to diagnose many health conditions and are versed in many types of alternative therapies. Chiropractic college curriculum is 4 years post graduate study. The course work includes medical diagnosis and imaging in addition to various alternative therapies such as chiropractic care, clinical nutrition and physical therapy modalities and exercise rehabilitation.Naturopathy is another access point of professional alternative therapies. These doctors have often studied nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, and medical diagnosis. Other access points include practitioners in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage therapists and nutritionists.Access to information on-line, changes in insurance coverage and scientific research have led to huge changes in the way people view and use their health care dollars. Alternative care is here to stay but it is not a new idea. Thomas Edison is credited with saying, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Nearly 100 years have passed since he said it, but it looks like he was right.