Alternative health care is a term that hit the media several years ago. It was originally used to describe treatments, procedures or techniques that were not taught as part of the degree curriculum of medical schools. Some of these include chiropractic care, nutrition, naturopathy, acupuncture or homeopathy.Alternative health has been making huge gains in public awareness and understanding. In the 1970s the term was used interchangeably with unscientific, unproven, or unsafe techniques. Fortunately that is no longer the case.These therapies have gained huge advances in acceptance and are included in many health insurance plans today. Many fields are now regulated by state or national licensing agencies. In 2012, it is expected that 7 out of 10 people will consult with the internet about their health concerns before choosing whether to seek professional care. They will also research to diagnose their health conditions before seeking care.Informed health care consumers make choices and vote with their wallets. In 2007, the National Institute of Health conducted a large scale survey. They asked about spending for Complimentary and Alternative medicine among Americans. The result: 38 percent of respondents said they used complimentary or alternative care that year. The NIH reported that 83 million adults spent $33.9 billion of their own money on these therapies. That translates to over 10% of non-covered health care.The popularity of complimentary and alternative care is due in part to increased acceptance of these therapies in medical schools and medical practices. Advances in research in the some fields like clinical nutrition, exercise physiology and chiropractic care have helped make this change. A general awareness of self-care through exercise and nutrition has also helped drive this change.Chiropractic offices are among the most popular access points to alternative therapies. These offices provide doctors trained and licensed to diagnose many health conditions and are versed in many types of alternative therapies. Chiropractic college curriculum is 4 years post graduate study. The course work includes medical diagnosis and imaging in addition to various alternative therapies such as chiropractic care, clinical nutrition and physical therapy modalities and exercise rehabilitation.Naturopathy is another access point of professional alternative therapies. These doctors have often studied nutrition, homeopathy, acupuncture, and medical diagnosis. Other access points include practitioners in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massage therapists and nutritionists.Access to information on-line, changes in insurance coverage and scientific research have led to huge changes in the way people view and use their health care dollars. Alternative care is here to stay but it is not a new idea. Thomas Edison is credited with saying, “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.” Nearly 100 years have passed since he said it, but it looks like he was right.
Tag Archives: rural health
5 Winter Health Tips That Should Keep You Safe And Healthy This Winter
Infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. These bacteria have limited resistance to heat. Most of them tend to strive well in cold environment, so it is not shocking when we realize that we are more likely to get affected by fever during the cold months of the winter. Care should be taken in scrutinizing what we touch, eat, and wear. If we do not follow these winter health tips, we will find ourselves constantly falling sick during winter.The winter is dreaded by the majority of parents because this period is accompanied by several allergies and sicknesses in their children. Many diseases are causes by the viruses that survive only at low temperatures. The virus has to live its full circle and die; sometimes the situation can be helped with an increase in temperature to help get rid of the virus. For example a running nose is caused by a virus that strives at low temperatures. That explains why the winter period has so many mothers complaining of their children suffering from constant running nose.The question that every parent seeks an answer to is how to survive the winter without falling prey to common cold, flu, fever and other similar diseases. This article will be presenting you with winter health tip that will equip you with the necessary information and help to keep your family healthy throughout this winter.1. Take a balance diet; vegetables should be an important addition to your diet and if possible ensure that you take fruits every day of the year. This will go a very long way in equipping your immune system with the necessary things it needs to fight diseases. For snacks avoid the usual junks and stick to dry food. Steam your soup properly to ensure that no bacteria are hidden in it. Include carbohydrates in your diet as they will give you the strength you require. Examples of carbohydrate you can add is brown rice, bread, porridge etc.2. Herbal teas should be taken both in the day and in the night. Spices like garlic, onion, ginger and pepper should be included in your diet as they are believed to offer warmth to the body.3. Keep your body hydrated; this is one of the most important winter health tips that will keep you safe throughout the entire freezing period. This can be achieved via the intake of water and soup, take them both in the morning, midday and evenings.4. Keep exercising daily. This is another way to keep your body warm.5. When stressed up, take hot shower to calm down and relax your body and mind.With the tips above, you can be certain that the chances of contacting those diseases this winter will be reduced. If you seek a healthy winter, stick to the winter health tips.